
  • Georgia Tech – Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (2009) and Ph.D. 电气与计算机工程学士(2017)
  • 美世 University – Master of Science in Engineering in Software Engineering (2012)


  • 夏季棒球和篮球夏令营 小学
  • 中学棒球和篮球 
  • 少年贝塔和贝塔俱乐部
  • 西班牙俱乐部
  • 径赛(短跑、中距离、铅球和铁饼)
  • 足球
  • 数学小组
  • 越野
  • Mulberry Street United Methodist Church mission trips to New Orleans 和哥斯达黎加

Are there any specific teachers/coaches that had an impact on you?

夫人. 亨利,博士. 希利博士说. 水域! The curiosity and desire to excel in science labs and mathematical problem-solving that each of them instilled in me ultimately guided me toward a career in 工程.


我很享受在越野赛和数学队的时光. While practicing over the summer and fall for the cross-country season, it was awesome just being around all of my teammates and pushing each other to get better. 和数学小组一起, it was not only intellectually stimulating but it also gave me the opportunity to visit several college campuses: Georgia Tech, 美世, 弗曼, 浆果, 乔治亚州南部和中部乔治亚州. With cross country, I had the opportunity to visit Florida State as well for an invitational meet. Getting those opportunities to venture outside my comfort zone as I was looking ahead to college while building bonds with my classmates was a unique experience 皇冠体育官网 provided me.


I am a Senior Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, 支持国防部的项目, 开发新颖的解决方案, and conducting analyses in wargaming and military operational scenarios through modeling and simulation. 这是一次非常有益和有趣的经历. The research problems I get to work with provide valuable insights to our warfighters that would be too costly or nearly impossible for the military to conduct in the real world.

What specific project that you’ve worked on recently that was particularly interesting or rewarding?

今年八月, my group wrapped up a project for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) within the Department of Defense to provide wargaming and simulation support as it relates to the integration of conventional or tactical nuclear capabilities in a ground-based military scenario.我们交给DTRA的是一系列技术, 建议, and software enhancements to train and educate combat personnel on this subject. 

The project and the work it involved was really a complete team effort. I had the opportunity to collaborate with a collection of experts in military decision-making, 核工程, and data analytics while providing my expertise in software simulation to design and implement enhancements to existing military simulation applications. 除了各种各样的专业知识, we needed to integrate a variety of capabilities and applications, and l was responsible for bringing all these pieces together under a cohesive software architecture. 给定当前事件, what we provided to DTRA through this project feels that much more relevant and beneficial, 以及我所获得的知识

the topic has given me a greater understanding and respect for its mission to “deter strategic attack against the 美国 and its allies to prevent, 减少, and counter WMD and emerging threats; and prevail against WMD-armed adversaries in crisis and conflict.“(http://www.dtra.毫升/皇冠体育官网/任务/)

How do you feel like your academic experience at 皇冠体育官网 prepared you for your current career?

皇冠体育官网在几个方面提供了完美的教育平衡. It prepared me with a foundation in sciences and mathematics that gave me the proper background for a career in STEM, 但它也注重发展沟通技能, 写作, 通过文献进行批判性思考, 语言, 以及社会研究课程. 

举个例子, AP US History with Cindy Roberts was more than just a course that covered dates and facts from history; it’s the class where I learned how to develop and compose a logical and competent essay argument. The teachers at 皇冠体育官网 also understand how to provide a balanced workload in and out of the classroom so it was rare that the assignments we were given felt like just busy work. That aspect really helps keep students engaged and interested in the material in a way that encourages further learning and thinking, 工程师的目的和工作的关键是什么.


My wife, Sloane, and I got married in 2011 in Orange Beach, AL. 我攻读博士学位时,我们住在利泽拉.D. and she worked at 皇冠体育官网 in the Preschool building and with the Center for Discovery. 她和我都喜欢去爱尔兰旅游, 巴塞罗那, 班夫国家公园, 伦敦, 牙买加, 和哥斯达黎加. We’ve ventured on an Alaskan cruise and checked out a number of other places in the US as well.  Just before I graduated in 2017, we had our first son, Knowles, who is now in Kindergarten at 皇冠体育官网. In 2020, our second son, Lawton, was born, and we’ll start him in 3K at 皇冠体育官网 next year.  

在工作和学校之外, we all enjoy going to Georgia Tech football games and other fun sites in Atlanta. Knowles has enjoyed two seasons of Viking Soccer League and multiple Center for Discovery camps!  去的维京人!