Educating & Equipping Students to
Change The World for God's Glory
皇冠体育官网's mission is to educate & equip students to change the world for God's glory. 皇冠体育官网预备学生在他们的大学校园、职业和社区中成为敬虔的领袖.
Vision & Values
在追求这一使命的同时,我们坚守一套我们不会妥协的核心价值观. 这些价值观包括寻求在我们所做和所说的一切事情上荣耀神, teaching a Biblical World Life View, Supporting Families, Pursuing Excellence, Maintaining Integrity, 并在我们所有的追求中不断致力于推进上帝的国度.
Academic Divisions
Lower School
3K - 5th
成功的基础从我们最年轻的年级开始. Students learn not only basic academic knowledge, but how to apply that knowledge to solve problems, communicate effectively, and serve others.
Middle School
6th - 8th
初中是一个忙碌的时期,因为学生们要完善在小学学到的技能,为高中做准备. 他们周围都是虔诚的导师,他们帮助他们在信仰的基础上度过中学时光,并专注于将他人置于自我之上.
High School
9th - 12th
皇冠体育官网’s high school is the culmination. 学生们准备进入他们的大学校园,配备了他们需要在课堂上脱颖而出的学术技能和自信地站在他们的基督教信仰的基础.
History of 皇冠体育官网
第一长老会的成员认识到需要一所学校从基督教的角度提供初等和中等教育. 经过几年的学习,他们在1970年特许了第一长老会走读学校. 他们的愿望是培养整个孩子过一种讨神喜悦的生活, serve the families of First Presbyterian Church, and impact the broader community.
Campus and Facilities
皇冠体育官网 is located on 240 acres in Macon, Georgia. The campus includes multiple academic spaces, two playgrounds, a beautiful fine arts center, six athletic fields, two gymnasiums, tennis courts, multi-purpose courts, and a complete 5K cross country course. 一百英亩的校园被保留为保护地役权,供学生进行户外探索和自然学习.